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Music for Theater, Dance performances Live shows & TV.

Mozart Undone played at the Barbican theatre in London 2014. The first opening was at Betty Nansen Theatre, Frederiksberg in 2012.

Theatreconcert Beethoven best perfomance 2013 in Stavanger Norway. .

Theatre Concert HOW

Theatre concert Come Together opened af Østre Gasværk Theatre 2009. It has toured in Holland, Sweeden Switzerland an Norway and iis now seen by over 200.000 people.

Theatreconcert Hey Jude Played at Forum Copenhagen 2013.

The TV series Ditte & Louise 2. season at DR 2016.

Theatre concert Bob Dylan opened af Aarhus Theatre 2010.

 2014 Mungo Park Kolding. My brother and I put music to the poems of Yahya Hassan. Minna Johannesson directed.

City Singler "Trimmet i trekanten" Toured  in DK 2015 I wrote the song with these two lovely ladies.

Theatre Concert Beach Boys played af Aarhus theatre 2008. 

Verdens Historien was a dance performance running at Østre Gasværk Theatre 2005. My brother and I composed and produced the music.

Eurovison songcontest in Copenhagen 2014. We had the privilege to create one of the interval acts. This Beethoven interpretation is taken from our theatre concert Beethoven. Nikolaj Cederholm directed an conceptualized.

SIMON played at Østre Gasværk Theatre 2004. I interpreted music from the 70-ties. Cederholm Wrote and Directed the play.

From Anders Matthesen 25 år jubilæums show 2018. I produced and arranged the song.


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